Thursday, April 14, 2011

Containment is like the Immune System

The purpose of the immune system is to combat and protect.  No matter where your body is permeated by bacteria the immune system gathers its resources and attacks.  It must recognize a threat early on so that it may halt the intruder from spreading to other parts of the body.  The stronger the defenses the more prepared the system is to stop the invader from weakening our system.  We often succomb to the fears of being attacked by those things outside of our borders or that once they enter our borders that without an established immune system we can become controlled by that indluence.

In the Cold War communism was feared as a threat that could diminish our characteristics of our way of life.  This economic administration was geared toward accelerating the demise of capitalism.  As an ideal system communism was appealing, though under dictatorial leadership that appeal was overwhlemed.  Therefore, we developed our immune system through an increase in military defense.  Furthermore, we launched a protective barrier by influencing the reconstruction of democratic and capitalistic countries in Europe. As the "disease" threatened to spread, we sent forth our "white blood cells" to stop the spread before it could penetrate our borders.  As time past we consistently strengthened our resolve to battle the wave of communism.

This was our containment of the spread of communism that we feared for nearly 50 years during a period known as the Cold War.

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